Re: Pub pattern please -Journal of Advanced Nursing
Edward Bergin 28 Jan 2002 21:16 UTC
One minor correction to this last message. The correct frequency for
items dated 1/15/02, 1/30/02 etc. would be semi-monthly, or twice a month.
Please refer to the "CONSER Editing Guide", fixed fields. Bimonthly
refers to items published every two months (e.g., Jan., Mar., May, July,
etc.)- Ed Bergin
Edward Bergin <eb13@SWT.EDU>
Sharon Wickholm wrote:
> Sandra,
> Our library uses DRA classic, which also uses dates for each issue. In
> cases where the publication does not give a date, we assign a date that
> reasonably corresponds to its frequency: ie. 1/15/02, 1/30/02 etc. for
> bimonthly publications or 03/2002, 06/2002 etc. for quarterly.
> Hope that helps,
> Sharon E. Wickholm
> Catalog Librarian
> James P. Boyce Centennial Library
> The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
> (502)897-4096
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sandra Kennedy" <sandra.kennedy@CHMEDS.AC.NZ>
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 9:28 AM
> Subject: Pub pattern please -Journal of Advanced Nursing
> > Our library still uses classic dynix, and we have run into problems with
> > Journal of Advanced Nursing.
> >
> > For 2002 it is to be published twice monthly, in four volumes with six
> > issues each. There is no day of publication given (just year and month)
> > and we cannot find a workable pattern for twice monthly with no day.
> >
> > Is there anyone out there using this archaic system who could help please?
> > Thank-you in advance.
> >
> > Sandra Kennedy, Collections Librarian
> > Canterbury Medical Library
> > Christchurch School of Medicine & Health Services
> > P O Box 4345
> > Christchurch, New Zealand.
> > Phone: 03 364 0508.
> > Fax: (64) 3 364 0534 (ext.80534)
> > <sandra.kennedy@CHMEDS.AC.NZ>