Re: Wiley Interscience Basic Access License (Jean Lloyd) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 07 Jan 2002 14:45 UTC

Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 12:26:57 +1300
From: "Lloyd, Jean" <LloJea@TOPNZ.AC.NZ>
Subject: Re: Wiley Interscience Basic Access License (Irma Nicola)

We had exactly your problem.  I communicated with Sarah Stevens,
Journals Fulfilment Dept, using Wiley's customer services e-mail:  who arranged access for us using our IP range.

Good luck


Jean Lloyd
Reference Librarian (Serials)
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Private Bag 31914, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

ph.:  00 64 4 570 5548
fax.: 00 64 4 560 5634


Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 02:07:00 -0800
From: Irma Nicola <INicola@APU.EDU>
Subject: Re: SERIALST Digest - 20 Dec 2001 to 21 Dec 2001 (#2001-239)

No, I have not been able to contact any one at Wiley Interscience for their
basic access.  We are trying to access fulltext from them through Ebsco
Online, it is really difficult to understand the registration process for
the access. Can anyone help with this?  It really would be nice, because the
content is wonderful.

Irma H. Nicola
Serials Coordinator
Azusa Pacific University
901 E. Alosta Ave.
Azusa,  California 91702