Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 12:00:20 -0500
From: Nancy Burns <nburns@PHOENIX.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Re: 362 Tag (Sarah McHugh)
Yes, when a print journal is continued only in electronic form,
the record for the print should be closed with the last issue available in
that form. In such cases, the e-version requires a separate record.
Often there is a holdings overlap that must be mentioned in a note; see
example (LITA newsletter) in Conser Cataloging Manual, Module 31.17:
Nancy Burns
Cataloging Unit IV (Serials)
Princeton University Library
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 19:15:55 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "McHugh, Sarah" <samchugh@state.mt.us>
> When a serial changes its format from print to purely electronic, should you
> close off the publishing dates in the 362 tag ? We're bringing in another
> record for the electronic format, since this title changed formats, but
> wondered if we should put a cease publication information of some kind in
> the 362 tag for the print record. Is it considered to have ceased
> publication as a print journal? Or did publication continue on, just in a
> different format?
> Thanks for any help,
> Sarah McHugh
> Technical Services and Systems Supervisor
> Library and Information Services Dept.
> Montana State Library
> Box 201800
> Helena, MT 59620-1800
> (406)444-3004
> samchugh@state.mt.us
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 10:05:48 -0800
From: Steve Shadle <shadle@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject: Re: 362 Tag (Sarah McHugh)
Sarah -- Per LCRI 21.3B, you would create a new record (and close out the
old) when a serial title changes format. CONSER Cataloging Manual 31.17
(Linking relationships) discusses format changes from print to online.
If you don't have the CCM or Cataloger's Desktop, Module 31 is available
online at http://www.loc.gov/acq/conser/module31.html
Hope this helps.
Steve Shadle
Serials Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries