Media & methods (Nancy Crow) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 13 Nov 2001 21:54 UTC

Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 15:23:49 -0600
From: Nancy Crow <crowna@QUINCY.EDU>
Subject: Media & Methods

We just received Media & Methods Sept/Oct 2001.  The TOC page says Volume
37, No.3.
This is obviously misnumbered.  I believe it should be volume 38, no. 1.
However, the publication information now says it publishes 7 times per
year.  Previous volumes were 5 plus a supplement.
Does anyone know anything more definitive?

Nancy Crow, Assistant Librarian
Serials/Interlibrary Loan
Quincy University
1800 College Ave.
Quincy, IL  62301-2699

217-228-5348 (voice); 217-228-5354 (fax)