Serials Mail Handling (2 messages) Marcia Tuttle 01 Nov 2001 15:40 UTC

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 09:36:58 -0500
From: Diane M Lewis <dilewis@USGS.GOV>
Subject: Re: Serials mail handling

Until they sort out exactly how powerful the spores of this Anthrax are, I
would err on the side of caution as far as protection for serial mail
handlers goes.  Crosscontamination of the mails is a distinct probability
now, with the inhalation Anthrax fatality of a non-postal worker in NYC
Wednesday morning.  Hopefully, this is just my worrywart 2 cents!

Diane M. Lewis, Serial Records Librarian
U.S. Geological Survey Library--MS950
Reston, Virginia  20192  USA
Tel. 703-648-4399
Fax 703-648-6376

"All things are connected.  We did not weave the web of life; we are but a
strand in it.  Whatever befalls the earth befalls the people of the earth."
--Chief Seattle

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 07:52:10 -0700
From: Julia Franklin <JFRANK@ISL.STATE.ID.US>
Subject: Re: Mail Handling in Serials (Ann S. Doyle)

I have started to use gloves to open serials mail, not because I think
someone put something in the mail, but I just don't know what it may have
come in contact with at various postal processing plants.  I haven't open
suspicious looking mail for years.  Capitol Mall Security is always
willing to take suspicious looking mail off our hands.

I am cautious about what I am opening, who sent it and where did it come
from, it is now I am using gloves to open the mail.  Also an added
benefit, I put lotion on my hands before putting on the gloves and when I
take the gloves off, my hands feel better.

Julia Franklin
Serials LA I
Idaho State Library
Boise, ID
The opinions are my own, and not the opinions
of anyone, anywhere the world.