Re: Serials Reports Generated by Automated Systems Carol Morse 23 Oct 2001 13:53 UTC

I generate lists of serials in certain locations, like off-site storage,
lists of e-journals, of order records that I compare with the annual
renewal list, current check-in records for statistics, departmental
current check-in to produce lists of journals by topics, departmental
order records to find out how much was spent for a department's journals
per fiscal year (for accreditation), list of all periodicals in stacks for
shifting purposes, etc.

Carol Morse

Carol Morse                            Tel.  509) 527-2684
Serials Librarian                      Fax   509) 527-2001
Walla Walla College Library           Email
104 S.W. Adams St.
College Place, WA  99324-1195

Give us strength for the journey and wisdom to know the way.

>>> washkevich@MARSHALL.EDU 10/22/01 12:21PM >>>
I'd like to know what types of reports Serials Librarians find most useful.
I am referring to reports (statistical and other) that can be generated by
the automated systems that we use - Innovative, Endeavor, etc.


Peter Washkevich / Marshall University