Acq/Ser Dept Work Flow Janet Lai 09 Oct 2001 18:05 UTC

Dear Colleagues

We are interested in re-evaluating our Acquisitions/Serials Dept.  We
would like to see if there are more efficient, possibly more creative ways
of performing our many tasks.  Would some of the institutions on this list
with approximately FTE 6000 students, please send me your organization
flow chart and/or job descriptions of staff.  I will appreciate any
suggestions or help.

Currently, we have 4 full time staff and one 1/2 time paraprofessional
employees.  We are an INNOPAC user and are going to use PromptCat service.

Thank you.


Janet H. Lai                                       Tel:    (310) 338-3088
Head, Acquisitions/Serials Dept.                   Fax:    (310) 338-4366
Charles Von Der Ahe Library                        E-mail:
Loyola Marymount University
One LMU Drive, MS 8200
Los Angeles, CA  90045-2659