Re: Donations of older personal copies (Jane Burke) Jane Burke 26 Oct 2001 22:16 UTC

And how about when you purchase an issue through a back issues dealer?
How can you know the original source and how is was paid?  It is not
uncommon for me to receive a journal donation from someone who is cleaning
out or moving an office.  I frequently send these on to the back issues
dealer.  If I purchase a replacement copy that may have originated from a
personal subscription, am I violating copyright law?  It seems that it is
really no different than the situation below where it comes from someone
you know received a personal subscription.  Very interesting topic.

Jane D. Burke
Serials Librarian
Groton Laboratories
Pfizer Inc
PGRD Library
MS 8118-05
Eastern Point Road
Groton  CT  06340

(860) 441-0683  (voice)
(860) 441-8519  (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jenna L Oliver [mailto:jenna.l.oliver@BOEING.COM]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Donations of older personal copies (Jenna Oliver)

Could those of you that have attended courses that have told you that
copying of donated items violates copyright, please respond to the list
with the organization or teacher contact information?

Thank you very much.

Jenna Oliver
Boeing Copyright Compliance Office
Boeing Library Services
P.O. Box 3707
M/C 62-LC
Seattle, WA 98124-2207     U.S.A.
425-237-1128 (phone)
425-237-4582 (fax)