Re: Notice of New Listserv: Serial Change Notice (2 messages)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 16 Aug 2001 20:01 UTC
2 messages:
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 14:28:03 -0500
From: "Peter V. Picerno" <ppicerno@UTMEM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Notice of New Listserv: Serial Change Notice (Buddy Pennington)
I agree that centralization of information is an issue: I can also see the
point of people who don't want the 'extraneous' postings which are part of
SERIALIST. Could information about title changes, claims, etc. be posted
with a prefix in the subject line (or somewhere else in the message) which
could be filtered by either the list software or by subscribers so that one
could elect to receive only those messages which contained that prefix?
(okay, I like to dream up impossible hardware-software architectures ....)
Peter V. Picerno
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 14:28:12 -0500
From: "McCracken, Leah" <mccracke@DAFFY.CORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Notice of New Listserv: Serial Change Notice (2 messages)
Hi Everyone-
Someone was just trying to be helpful and stating that there was a new list.
If there is a problem with that you should go directly to the source (Topica
Support []) and not fill Serialist with this argument.
Yes I agree it would be nice if everything was simple but we all know that
nothing in Serials can be very simple.
Leah McCracken
Serials Coordinator
Carl B. Ylvisaker Library
Concordia College
901 8 Street South
Moorhead MN 56562
(218) 299-4252