Re: III Millennium and Holdings Format (Julie Su)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 15 Aug 2001 14:01 UTC
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 16:21:02 -0700
From: julie su <julsu@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: III Millennium and Holdings Formats (Margaret Mering)
I have used MARC Holdings editor in Millennium Serials
last year to set up holdings pattern and created
holdings statement using Holdings Editor. Despite of
some problems and glitches, I did like the Holdings
Editor. I also have experimented copy / paste patterns
from OCLC 891 fields into Millennium and it did
automatically created holding statement and I was
really thrilled. There are still some issues and
problems with complex holdings which I hope it will be
improved in future development or enhancement.
Recently I have moved to my current institution which
is also an Innovative user. However, there are some
issues need to be taken care of before we can
implement Millennium Serials here. Nevertheless, I
continue to keep up the development of MARC Holdings
in Millennium and will be more than happy to talk
about any specifics.
Julie Su
> Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:43:01 -0500
> From: Margaret Mering <mmering@UNLNOTES.UNL.EDU>
> Subject: III Millennium and Holdings Formats
> The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is implementing
> Innovative's Millennium
> - Serials Module. We would like to find another
> Innovative library which
> has implemented the serials module and is using the
> MARC 21 Format for
> Holdings.
> Thanks,
> Margaret (Meg) Mering
> Principal Serials Cataloger
> University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
> Love Library
> Lincoln NE 68588-0410
> Office: 402-472-3545
> Fax: 402-472-2534
Julie Su
Digital Resources/Serials Librarian
Library and Information Services
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-8050
619 594-0904 (work) 619 594-4093 (fax)
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