Question to customers of Serials Solutions, JournalList and TDNet (Minh-Thu Nguyen) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 09 Aug 2001 18:47 UTC

Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 14:39:11 -0400
From: Minh-Thu Nguyen <>
Subject: Question to ustomers of Sesrials Solutions, JournalList and TDNet

Hi everyone,

This message is sent to SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU and

I would like to contact someone using either services to track either
ProQuest Applied science and Tech Plus, or IEEE All-Society Periodicals
Package (ASPP).

My questions :

- ASTP : the links that you are provided with for titles with full text in
ASTP leads you to where exactly ? Example : American machinist, Adhesive age

- IEEE ASPP (1) : in their gateway IEEE Xplore a list of all IEEE
periodicals is presented. There are ways to find out which are the titles
included in which particular order package but not an easy job, and the
information given is for acquisitions purposes! I wonder how SS or
journalList handle this package of 100+ titles ?

- In general : It happens that the publisher has TOC for a longer period
than full text (example, TOC only : 1988-1995 and fulltext : 1996-2001).
What would be the holdings given in your list ?

- In general : since libraries don't have the time to follow up on their
e-journals, would it be really possible to evaluate the performance of
commercial e-journals tracking services thet they use ?

Thanks for your help.

Minh-Thu Nguyen
Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal