Re: TDNet - Electronic Journals Management (Dan Lester) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 02 Aug 2001 21:37 UTC

Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 14:56:21 -0600
From: Dan Lester <>
Subject: Re: TDNet - Electronic Journals Management (Naomi Lloyd)

I can understand being inundated at ALA.  HOWEVER, I can NOT
understand having to walk me through it.  If it is so complicated or
strange I can't figure it out, I'm not interested.

I go through this with a couple of vendors at every conference.  They
have a new Whizbang (catalog, database, whatever) and I want to play
with it.  They tell me that they'll give me a demo.  My answer is that
if I can't figure it out, I'm darn sure the patrons can't.  If they
can't deal with me trying it myself, I walk.  I have no objection to
the rep being available to receive comments or questions, but if they
won't let me drive the car myself, I won't buy it.

If someone from TDNet is reading this, now they know what they need to
do to get Boise State to become a prospective customer. They know
where I live.



Dan Lester, Data Wrangler
3577 East Pecan, Boise, Idaho  83716-7115 USA  Stop Global Whining!