Re: Cool! (checking/comparing holdings data in other library systems) Sharon Wieczorek 27 Jul 2001 17:45 UTC

Dear Jeanette,

What you were seeing is an Innovative Interface Inc. system and all
libraries that use the system and bought the serials module will show all
issues checked in plus anticipated issues if projected correctly. I work
in the serials department at Mercyhurst College Hammermill Library and we
have that system. I love working with the serials module and find that it
beats almost all other systems hands down. There are still some things
that could be improved like the reports output and moving between modules
but that, as I understand, is supposed to be changed with the complete
'Millennium' version which we don't have yet.

We only have about 750 titles but you can check our holdings anytime at Click on Library & Computers and then click on Library
Services on the right hand side of the screen. Click on HamLET and then
click on Journals at the bottom of the screen. Type in Harpers and it will
show you the list of titles with the word Harpers in it. They all belong
to Harpers but with different title changes. The current title is just
Harpers and when you click on that you will get the box that describes
where it is located and the "Latest Received" information.

Sharon Wieczorek
Serials Supervisor
Mercyhurst College
Hammermill Library/Serials Dept.
501 East 38th St.
Erie, PA 16546 USA

tel/work: 814-825-2215

Jeanette Skwor wrote:

> I just made the neatest discovery!
> Background:  Before I generate a claim, in addition to my own inhouse
> background check, I check the holdings of other libraries - I have a
> couple here in state (the largest campuses), the University of Rochester
> Libraries, which cover much of what I cannot find in Wisconsin, and New
> York Public Library, which gets most everything else.  I don't count a
> *lot* on out of state libraries, but do note that they already have the
> issue, and perhaps add a week or two to my expected-on date; it's also
> very useful to see that *no one* else has it, and that perhaps when it
> appears, it's combined.
> Anyway:  I was just searching _The Journal of Community Practice_ in NYP
> and noticed, for the first time, that they show only the most current
> issue on their holdings screen.  Hmmm.  And the header, "Latest Received"
> is a clickable link.  So I clicked on it & hit the jackpot.  They list the
> holdings in box form, with each issue appearing in it's own little
> cublicle as either "arrived" or "expected", *and the date*.
> So not only can I see what they have, but when they got it.
> Thank you, New York Public Library!
> Jeanette L. Skwor
> Serials Dept.
> Cofrin Library
> University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
> Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
> (920) 465-2670