***I need to clarify what I wrote earlier - it's not that we never claim
gift subscriptions; we do. However, there are some titles (those donated by
*certain* faculty, for example) that I either claim with extreme caution, or
don't claim at all, because of previous experience. I've been told, in at
least one instance, that this subs is a gift, and therefore they will send
what issues they deem we should have.
***But I have no such notation on _Essays in International Economic_ and so
am asking if others have had such experience with them. I am thinking not,
because what I've heard so far, offlist, are general responses about
claiming gift subs.
***Which I appreciate, though :)
***Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeanette Skwor [mailto:skworj@UWGB.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:35 PM
Subject: Essays in International Economics
Subject: Essays in International Economics
Cofrin Library has historically received this (title changed from _Essays
in International Finance_) gratis. I have it set up with a long grace
period, but now #220, 2000, has been triggered to claim. In checking
other library holdings, I see that the Madison campus library already has
both #220 and #221. However, when I went to claim, I noticed I have a
note telling me not to claim - and I have no clue as to why I ever put
that there. --- which would not be all that unusual, except that I tend to
be well aware of my limitations, and compensate with liberal notation.
So, if I put the note there originally, why wasn't I more specific? Has
my decrepit-ancy (-ation?) advanced so far as to forget to finish the note
reminding me?
Which leads me to wonder just how old the note is, and what I should do. I
would appreciate hearing others' experience with this title.
At least *one* step still out of the home . . .
Jeanette L. Skwor
Serials Dept.
Cofrin Library
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
(920) 465-2670