Journals with CD's (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 23 Jul 2001 16:28 UTC

2 messages, 67 lines:

Date:         Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:02:49 -0400
From:         Lisa Blackwell <BlackweL@CHI.OSU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Journals with CD's

We treat CD's as separate volumes (whether they come with monographs or
serials) and keep them housed behind the desk. (e.g. the record says
"v.1no.1cdrom.) Sometimes they warrant a separate catalog record (e.g.
Nature and the cdrom recently issued as "Human Genome") in which case they
are similar to analytic entries created for serials with issues that have
unique titles.

In either case they can be found in the catalog by the user and that is
the primary goal.

Lisa Blackwell, MLS
Assistant Librarian
Children's Hospital Library
700 Children's Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43205
fax (614)722-3205

Date:         Mon, 23 Jul 2001 10:00:35 -0600
From:         Dennis Goodyear <dgoodyea@QWEST.NET>
Subject:      Re: Journals with CD's

Here we remove all CDs that come with print materials, run them by the
appropriate selector if necessary, and if we decide to add them, we create
a new checkin record and item record and place them in the Reserve area.

A patron can easily see from the OPAC that there is a CD that accompanies
the print volume, it just resides in a different place in the library.
(We use Triple-I.)

Dennis Goodyear
University of Denver
Penrose Library

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jane McLaughlin" <jmclaughlin@CMCC.CA>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 9:49 AM
Subject: Journals with CD's

> Hello Serial-listers
> What is everyone doing with CD's that come in journals?
> Jane McLaughlin
> Serials/Acquisitions
> CC Clemmer Health Sciences Library
> Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
> 1931 Bayview Avenue
> Canada
> 416-482-2340 Ext 222
> Fax 416-482-4816