New position available: Editor - UKSG Serials Electronic Newsletter Helen L Henderson 20 Jul 2001 22:24 UTC

**Apologies for cross-posting**

Editor � UKSG Serials Electronic Newsletter

The UK Serials Group is the only organisation spanning the wide range of
interest and activity between serials producers and readers.  As part of
its mission to promote discussion and the free flow of information on
serials matters, the UKSG is launching a twice-monthly electronic

The UKSG wishes to award a contract for a total of �10,000 p.a. for the
editing and production of the Newsletter which will encompass topical
items on the international serials community and moderated discussion.

Further Details

The contract will be managed by the Editors of 'Serials'.  It is
anticipated that content will be acquired by keeping up-to-date with all
the activities of the community, including: monitoring list-servs and key
players' websites and following up news items with interviews with
relevant individuals; receiving and analysing press releases; writing
succinct resumes of news items; linking the Newsletter to fuller
information on the UKSG website.  It will also be important to work
collaboratively with the 'Serials' editorial board members.

It is anticipated that there will be an annual rolling consultancy
contract with UKSG for a total of �10,000 per year, to include all taxes,
time, local travel, and communications (it may be necessary to agree an
additional allowance for international communications). It is assumed that
the contract will also include the contractor�s own office accommodation
and consumables where applicable.  Travel and registration fees for
conferences and seminars may be paid for where considered necessary and
agreed in advance. Travel expenses would be paid for attendance at Serials
Editorial Board meetings in the UK.

The contract will be paid monthly in arrears and will include performance
targets.  There will be quarterly reviews at which one month�s notice may
be given if the targets are not met.  The contractor will be responsible
for their own tax, national insurance and other filings.

For an informal discussion please contact the Editors of 'Serials' - Helen
Henderson or Hazel Woodward

Applications should be e-mailed to Alison Whitehorn, UKSG Business
Manager, at by 11th August 2001