EDS / Centrobe / Neodata (fwd) Stephen Perisho 13 Jul 2001 17:44 UTC

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Perisho
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 10:21 AM
To: *****_*****@condenast.com
Subject: EDS / Centrobe / Neodata
Importance: High

Dear M. *****:
        I am delighted to hear that Conde Nast is dropping EDS (Centrobe,
Neodata) (your message, below).  This makes my day.  Will CDS be any
better? Or was obtaining better service even the primary motive?
        You should know that the SERIALST archive now contains a whole slew
of messages complaining of EDS service (search using EDS, Centrobe, AND
Neodata).  Though I know of some who are aware of the complexities
associated with mass-market fulfillment, I know of no librarian remotely
happy with the service EDS provides.  What is more, when I've called to
complain, one EDS representative in particular, an ***** *****, has
repeatedly found an excuse to get off the phone, promising in each case to
call me back.  NOT ONCE, however, has she ever done so.  Another, a *****
*****, with whom I have left several messages, has returned not a one.  I'll
admit to having bit pretty hot under the collar at times (and justifiably
so!), but still, this is customer service of a nether order.  And I haven't
even got to the complaints that first prompted the anger!  (Of course, I
don't know how far up in the chain of command these people reside.)
        Thanks for taking the trouble to clue me in.


Steve Perisho
Serials Assistant
Historical Studies-Social Science Library
Institute for Advanced Study
Einstein Drive
Princeton, New Jersey  08540
United States of America

Tel.:  609 734 8378; Fax:  609 951 4515
E-mail:  sperisho@ias.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: *****_*****@condenast.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 5:02 PM
To: sperisho@ias.edu
Subject: Fwd: FW: Centrobe

This note was recently forwarded to me.  I am happy to inform you that
Conde Nast, publisher of WIRED, recently made the decision to change
fulfillment providers.  By mid-February 2002, all Conde Nast and Fairchild
titles will be served by CDS rather than EDS (formerly Centrobe).  WIRED
in particular will have been converted by the end of this year.  Thank you
for your feedback. I hope that you are better served in future.  Take

-------- Forwarded by ***** ***** on 07/11/2001 04:59 PM -----------

-----Original Message-----
From:        Stephen Perisho
Sent:        Thursday, March 08, 2001 10:41 AM
To:  'editor@wired.com'
Subject:     Centrobe
Importance:  High

Dear Editor:

        Please see the note addressed to my subscription agent, and attached
        If I am not mistaken, Wired continues to be distributed by Centrobe,
of Boulder, CO.
        For a couple of years, now, I have been begging this monthly (and
other titles) to dispense with Centrobe, which has a horrific reputation,
and gives terrible service.
        Looking back through my Sent box, I see that, in the case of Wired
alone, I have had to claim--and in most cases, also, secure via
Backserv--ALL of the following:

                March (so far)

        That's 11 of 27 issues, or nearly 41%!!!
        Frankly, I am SICK of this hassle.  Do something about it!!!
        Please forward this message to the powers that be.

Steve Perisho
Serials Assistant
Historical Studies-Social Science Library
Institute for Advanced Study
Einstein Drive
Princeton, New Jersey  08540
United States of America

Tel.:  609 734 8378; Fax:  609 951 4515
E-mail:  sperisho@ias.edu