Re: Haworth publications Lucy Duhon 13 Jul 2001 13:27 UTC

Kirsten --  I've also noticed this in the last two years (only because I
wasn't so closely involved with the budget in previous years).  I'd see
a few minor mid-year subscription increases for some journals, but it
seems the Haworth journals consistently showed major mid-year increases,
as you described.  It got to where I'd see a big increase on an invoice
and I'd say to myself, "I bet that's a Haworth journal," and sure
enough, it was.

But I think what happened was, at the time of renewal invoicing, we were
billed for the price from the previous year and then come mid-year, an
added charge would be tacked on, at about 8%-10% of the subscription
price.  Even if this is just inflation, it makes for difficult planning
when a sizeable increase shows up in the middle of the year, and for not
a small number of journals either.

(And your low diction was perfectly fine)

Lucy Duhon
Serials Librarian
Carlson Library/Serials Dept.
University of ToledoToledo, OH  43606

(419) 530-2838
(419) 530-2726 [fax] <>

-----Original Message-----
From: Kirsten Tozer [mailto:Kirsten.Tozer@CWU.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: Haworth publications

I would like to add another gripe to the list:  sizeable mid-subscription
year rate increases to already very expensive journals.  The Journal of
Divorce and Remarriage and the Journal of Homosexuality ($900 and $770 on
my 2002 renewal list) have both been jacked up (pardon the low diction,
but there isn't more appropriate language) the last three subscription
years between $50 and $105.  With the automatic inflation from one
subscription year to the next, the intentions behind these increases are


Kirsten Tozer
Serials Librarian
Head, Media Circulation
Central Washington University Library
Ellensburg, WA  98926-7548