Re: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet (2 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 11 Jul 2001 18:30 UTC

2 messages:


Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 11:49:23 -0500
From: "Clement, Shelly K" <sclement@OU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet (Ann Doyle)

At our library, one Acquisition Tech and one Acquisition clerk receives the
mail for the library.  They sort it by mail addressed to an individual,
misdirected mail that gets returned back to the post office and mail for
them to check into the serials module. They put the mail addressed to
individuals in the employee mailboxes.  They toss the misdirected mail into
a tub for the Post Office to pick up.  In the past, we had to sort the mail
for the entire Law School but that will be changing because the library is
moving to a new wing without direct access to the loading dock.  The Dean's
Office will be responsible for the loading dock and for forwarding the
library's mail onto the Acquisitions Department.

Having the same person or people doing the entire process from receiving the
mail to checking in and claiming works well.  Because they also check in the
mail, they understand the importance of keeping everything plastered to the
outside of the box (shipping notices and invoices) together with everything
from the inside of the box.  When I say check in the mail, I mean not only
serials check-in but receiving monograph orders as well.

Shelly Clement
Acquisitions & Government Documents Librarian
University of Oklahoma Law Library
300 Timberdell Rd
Norman OK 73019


Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 13:48:04 -0400
From: Sharon Wieczorek <swieczor@MERCYHURST.EDU>
Subject: Re: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet (Ann Doyle)
> Who has gotten away from assignments for serials check-in by titles'
> alphabetic range?
> 1. How do you organize check-in assignments?

We are a small academic library using student labor. I have trained
several students for checkin of items only and it is assigned to whomever
is available. Any problems get put aside for my intervention.

> 2. How do the mail people know where to route/how to sort the pieces?

Any checkin items that need to be routed are already listed in the routing
module and a slip of paper is printed as the item is checked in with all
the information on it.

> 3. Have you tried something that didn't work well before you found the
> right solution?  What was it?

The actual printing of the routing slips was problematic because we had an
old dot matrix printer that would only advance 11" at a time and was a
waste of paper because paper could not be reversed easily. So we switched
to track feed index stock and trained the students how to take off the
index card that printed and reset the printer each time. I sure would love
a receipt type printer that could be programed for different sizes of
paper but that is considered a luxury here.

> If you'd like to respond directly to me, I'll post a summary to the list.
> Thanks,
> Ann
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ann S. Doyle
> Serials Acquisitions Librarian
> Young Library Serials                   V: 859-257-0500 x2132
> University of Kentucky Libraries        F: 859-257-0508
> Lexington  KY  40506-0456               E:

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title:Serials Supervisor
fn:Sharon Wieczorek