Re: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet (Jeanette Skwor) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 11 Jul 2001 16:08 UTC

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 08:59:26 -0500
From: "Skwor, Jeanette" <skworj@UWGB.EDU>
Subject: Re: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet (Ann Doyle)

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 08:26:53 -0400
From: Ann Doyle <asdoyl2@POP.UKY.EDU>
Subject: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet

Who has gotten away from assignments for serials check-in by titles'
alphabetic range?

1. How do you organize check-in assignments?

***According to person-and-time available.

2. How do the mail people know where to route/how to sort the pieces?

***Notes on the checkin record.

Jeanette L. Skwor
Serials Dept.
Cofrin Library
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
(920) 465-2670