Re: Microfiche vendors Dena Luce 31 Jul 2001 19:24 UTC

I don't know any specific vendors, but if you find out, please share with
the list.  I do know that I've been calling around for the same reason and
some publishers are simply dropping the microformat and going online.
The Journal of Chemical Education is one such title.  I don't want to keep
the print but don't have the money to pick up the online so our holdings
will have to lapse for the time being.  I hope someone has some

 Dena Luce <dluce@FAULKNER.EDU>

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 1:28 PM
From: Deborah Ludwig <LudwigJD@CI.ANCHORAGE.AK.US>
Subject: Microfiche vendors

Over the past years, UMI/Bell&Howell/ProQuest, has lost permission to sell
several titles in microfiche format. I have called several of the
publishers to determine what company has the contract to produce and sell
microfiche for their title. I've had little luck. We depend on microfiche
for backfiles. Very seldom do we bind any titles.

Does anyone know the current microfiche publisher for the following
titles? I need 2001 and future editions.

Family handyman
Field & Stream (Southern ed.)
Motor boating
New choices for living
Popular science  (their web site even mentions that many libraries have
microfiche available to make copies of back issues)

Thank you.

Deborah Ludwig
Serials Librarian
Anchorage Municipal Libraries