Re: LARS Binding program -- Dolores Coyle -- Judith L. Fallon
Stephen D. Clark 20 Jun 2001 18:38 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: LARS Binding program -- Dolores Coyle
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:24:11 -0400
From: "Fallon, Judith L." <jf@WPI.EDU>
I think you are making more work for yourself than is necessary.
This is how I prepare the bindery shipments.
First - make sure volume is complete to be bound
Open program for the correct bindery pickup date.
Start typing. First two letters of each word in title is all that is
to bring up correct title.Enter vol, no. date, etc.
Take slips and match up correct one with each title.
Pull pink copies for us place ticket in journal.
Print report.
Count number of slips and compare with total specified on the report.
Pack up volumes.
I don't really find this to be very time-consuming.
Judith Fallon
Gordon Library
WPI phone - 508-831-5413
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: LARS Binding program
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 13:40:25 -0400
From: "Coyle, Dolores" <coyle@ARCADIA.EDU>
This is the first time we have used LARS, and it seems to be
time consuming than binding with out LARS. This is the process I have
followed and I'm looking for suggestions to streamline and speed up the
1. Check to determine information of volumes to be bound
2. Make up and print duplicate binding tickets
3. Pull journals-one ticket in volume to be bound, one for our
library's records.
4. Make changes or delete entries from jobs that cannot be bound
are mistakes.
5. Print out Job Report.
6. Check binding ticket information, i.e.. Title, year, volume,
numbers, to be sure it is correct and in appropriate volume and matches
Report. Also check item number to be sure binding ticket matches Job
7. Make any changes, pack volumes.
The main concern I have is the time factor. It seems to take
longer than I had anticipated and am wondering if there are things I can
to make binding go smoother.
Thank You,
Dolores Coyle
Dolores Coyle
Serials Tech
Arcadia University (formerly Beaver College)
Atwood Library
Glenside, Pa. 19038