-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DC-2001 deadline extended
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:29:56 +0200
From: Gauri Salokhe <gauri@GMD.DE>
By popular demand, the deadline for submitting papers to DC-2001 in
Tokyo has been extended to SATURDAY, JUNE 30. No further papers can be
accepted after that date. A new link has been added to the conference
page clarifying the submission procedure, see:
International Conference on Dublin Core
and Metadata Applications 2001
Date: 22 - 26 October 2001
Venue: National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Sponsors: National Institute of Informatics (NII,
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI,
Japan Science and Technology Corporation
(JST, http://www.jst.go.jp/EN/)
Providing machine-understandable data on the Web has become a priority
not just for publishers and scientific communities, but for a wide
range of commercial ventures and services. Resource discovery across a
diversity of services on the emerging Semantic Web is facilitated by
the use of shared metadata vocabularies such as the Dublin Core
Metadata Element Set.
The Dublin Core workshop series has provided a forum for international,
cross-disciplinary metadata development since 1995. DC-2001, ninth in
this series, will include an international conference for the broader
metadata community with three principal missions:
-- to provide a forum to discuss further development of the Dublin Core
and related metadata standards
-- to provide a forum to present and exchange new ideas about metadata
and applications, not limited to Dublin Core, and
-- to provide tutorials on the creation, management, and use of
metadata applications.
DC-2001 is the first event in the DC Workshop series to be hosted in
Asia and is also the first event to include conference and tutorial
tracks in addition to the workshop.
The Conference track of DC-2001 (Wednesday-Friday, 24-26 October)
invites submissions of papers in the following areas:
-- Conceptual models for metadata
-- Implementation of systems and tools for metadata applications
-- Surveys and case studies of metadata applications
-- Novel activities based on metadata
-- Interoperability among metadata systems
-- Relationships among various metadata standards
The Workshop track (Monday-Wednesday, 22-24 October), will feature
technical meetings of ongoing working groups of the Dublin Core
Metadata Initiative. The agenda for the workshop track is under
development in DCMI Working Groups. All active members of working
groups, and others who would like to become active, are invited to
Paper Submission: 20 June 2001
Acceptance Notification: 31 July 2001
Camera-Ready Copy due: 7 September 2001
Paper Categories
Regular Paper: 8-10 pages
Short paper: 2-4 pages
The "short paper" category will include not only research papers but
also demonstrations of applications, implementation and activity
Author Guidelines
Papers should be submitted via a Web form at
http://www.nii.ac.jp/dc2001/ in PDF, the preferred format, or in
Postscript. If necessary -- eg, because of special fonts -- printouts
on paper are acceptable. Authors should follow style guidelines
posted at http://www.nii.ac.jp/dc2001/. For information on the PDF
format, please refer to http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee and
published both in print and electronically in the conference
proceedings. All accepted papers must be presented at the conference
by at least one of their authors.
Special issue of JoDI
Selected papers will be submitted for inclusion (with potential
further review) in a special issue of the Journal of Digital
Information (JoDI, http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/), a peer-reviewed
electronic journal published on the Web. The intention is to publish
this issue simultaneously with the conference proceedings.
Organization and chairs
Conference General Chair: Jun Adachi (NII, Japan)
Program Co-chairs: Thomas Baker (GMD, Germany)
Shigeo Sugimoto (ULIS, Japan)
Tutorial Chair: Erik Jul (OCLC, USA)
Local Arrangements Chair: Keizo Oyama (NII, Japan)