Follow-up Re: Boycott of the San Francisco Mariott during ALA -- Mitch Turitz Stephen D. Clark 14 Jun 2001 20:55 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Follow-up Re: Boycott of the San Francisco Mariott during ALA
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 13:42:23 -0700
From: Mitch Turitz <>

As a follow-up to previous messages: Here are the dates and times of
the picketing of the Marriott during ALA:

Friday & Saturday (June 15 &16) from 6 AM to 10 PM;
Tuesday June 19, from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM (during the ALA Awards
reception/Inaugural Banquet) I have been told that the
President-elect of ALA will be boycotting the meeting!

-- Mitch Turitz

>>To:  ALA Conference Services
>>From: Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian and President of the California
>>Faculty Association, San Francisco State University Chapter
>>re: Boycott of the San Francisco Marriott
>>I have been informed that the Hotel and Restaurant Employees
>>Association will be boycotting the San Francisco Mariott during the
>>American Library Association convention June 14-20.
>>I think it is urgent to get the word out immediately to the
>>membership so that they will be aware of a boycott that has been
>>ongoing since last September.  I realize this is too late to change
>>their reservations or room assignments for meetings, but I think the
>>members should be made aware that they will be crossing a picket line
>>if they attend meetings at the Mariott.
>>We would like members to think twice before attending meetings being
>>held at the Marriott. There will be picket lines in front of the
>>Mariott hotel during the convention.
>>The American Indian Culture night cancelled its event recently
>>because it was to be held in the Marriott.
>>The Scholarship bash (ALA's event) has been moved out of the Marriott
>>to the Hilton due to the labor dispute.
>>For further information please e-mail:
>>Hotel & Restaurant Employees Association: 415.864.8770
>>-- In Solidarity,
>>Mitch Turitz
>>    _^_                                                 _^_
>>( ___ )-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-( ___ )
>>   |   |                                               |   |
>>   |   |     Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian           |   |
>>   |   |     San Francisco State University Library    |   |
>>   |   |     President (as of June 1, 2001)            |   |
>>   |   |     SFSU California Faculty Association       |   |
>>   |   |     voice: (415) 338-7883                     |   |
>>   |   |     CFA:   (415) 338-6232                     |   |
>>   |   |                                               |   |
>>( ___ )-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-==-( ___ )
>  >    V                                                   V
>  >