-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Question on policies -- Kathy Eckenroth
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:39:00 -0500
From: Dena Luce <dluce@faulkner.edu>
Here are a few titles that might come in handy. When we had to start
looking at policies to write our own, I simply did an internet search
looked at various library policies which were posted on the web.
For collection development/acquisitions policies, you might check out
Collection development policies for college libraries. Compiled by
Taborsky and Patricia Lenkowski with the assistance of Anne Webb and
Lewis. Chicago, IL : College and Research Libraries, c1989.
Collection development policies and procedures. Edited by Elizabeth
3rd ed. Phoenix, Ariz. : Oryx Press, 1995.
Budgets for acquisitions : strategies for serials, monographs,and
formats. Sul H. Lee, editor. New York : Haworth Press, c1991.
Buying serials : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians. N.Bernard Basch,
McQueen. New York : Neal-Schuman, 1990.
Guidelines for handling library orders for serials and periodicals.
Section, Acquisitions Committee of the Association for Library
& Technical Services. Rev. ed. Chicago : American Library
For assessment and weeding, check out:
Guide to review of library collections : preservation, storage, and
withdrawal. Subcommittee on Review of Collections, Collection
and Development Committee, Resources Section, Association for
Collections & Technical Services; Lenore Clark, editor.
Chicago : American Library Association, 1991.
For guidelines on management, vendor assessment, etc., check out:
Serials management : a practical guide. Chiou-sen Dora Chen. Chicago :
American Library Association, 1995.
Guide to performance evaluation of serials vendors. Association for
Collections & Technical Services, Serials Section Acquisitions
Chicago : American Library Association, 1997.
Library Management in the Information Technology Environment : Issues,
Policies, and Practice for Administrators by Brice G. Hobrock (Editor).
(June 1992) Haworth Pr; ISBN: 1560242310
For document delivery and ILL, check out:
Interlibrary Loan Policies Directory by Leslie R. Morris. 6th ed.
1999) Neal Schuman Pub; ISBN: 155570347X
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: joining Seryalst
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:41:12 -0400
From: "Eckenroth, Kathy" <Eckenroth@stevenstech.org>
I am a librarian at a two-year technical college. I have been
instructed to
write a serials policy, including document delivery, microform, print,
electronic resources.
Can anyone recommend any good sites, policies, books, etc.? Thank you
Kathy Eckenroth
Kenneth Schuler Learning Resources Center