Environmental Science & Technology -- Linda Rogers
Stephen D. Clark 12 Jun 2001 12:35 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Environmental Science & Technology
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 13:58:08 -0600
From: LINDA ROGERS <rogersl@spot.colorado.edu>
I was looking for an article in v.25, 1991 of ES&T, published by the
American Chemical Society. In #4, instead of pp.653-79x, I found only
abstracts with the heading "ES&T RESEARCH This abbreviated edition of
ES&T's April 1991 research section contains the authors abstracts only."
Are all the copies like this, or did we luck out? Any idea how to get
the full articles? Thank you.
Linda Rogers
Gemmill Engineering Library
University of Colorado at Boulder