Re: TDNet -- David Fritsch
Stephen D. Clark 08 Jun 2001 14:08 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Electronic Journal Lists
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 09:21:33 -0400
From: "David Fritsch" <>
In response to Marcella Lester's post inquiring about e-journal
services, we would like to correct a misunderstanding.
TDNet does not "sell the electronic subscriptions"; in other words, we
not a subscription agent. Rather, our product enables libraries to
the management of e-journal access, much as libraries outsource book
acquisition, serials ordering, and other functions. TDNet tracks,
and updates links to aggregators and database providers at the title
tracks and manages changes in aggregator content; manages password
distribution for titles requiring password authorization; and captures
reports usage statistics by title, vendor, aggregator, etc., among other
TDNet was launched in the United States this Spring and is being
in several US clients. For more information on TDNet, visit the booth at
upcoming ALA annual conference, or contact Michael Markwith, President
705 3582, or me.
David R. Fritsch
Vice President, Sales
TDNet, Inc.
1295 King George Boulevard
Ann Arbor MI 48108
734/677-3530 (V)
734/677-0955 (F)
734/260-9864 (C)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Electronic Journal Lists
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:55:05 -0500
From: Marcella Lesher <>
Is there anyone on the list that can comment on the services offered
by either Serials Solutions or Journal Web Cite, LLC? I've looked
at the Serialst Archives and there were a couple of postings earlier
in the year by libraries who were looking at the services but I
haven't seen anything yet by libraries who have actually purchased
the service. Serials Solutions provides a link to a couple of their
customers so I've looked at that.
I've also looked at TDNet but I'm not sure if their services are what
we are looking for. It looks like they actually sell the electronic
subscriptions as well as provide list management??
Marcella Lesher
Periodicals Librarian
Blume Library
St. Mary's University
San Antonio, TX