LITA/ALCTS MARC Formats Interest Group Meeting-MARC 21 HoldingsFormat -- Laura A. Sill Stephen D. Clark 05 Jun 2001 12:15 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: LITA/ALCTS MARC Formats Interest Group Meeting-MARC 21
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 06:29:10 -0500
From: "Laura A. Sill" <>
Organization: Notre dame

This message is cross-posted.  Please excuse any duplicate postings.
LITA/ALCTS MARC Formats Interest Group Meeting
Saturday, June 16, 2001
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Crowne Plaza Union Square, Sutter III

"MARC 21 Holdings Format in the context of contemporary ILS serials
control systems": a follow up discussion to the The Future of Serials
Control: Implementation of the MARC21 Holdings Format LITA Preconference

We invite you to join us for a lively discussion on the MARC 21 Holdings
Format and the ILS!

Suggested Discussion Points:
1.  Are there any open questions that you have from the pre-conference
that you would like to discuss further during our meeting?

2.  A premise put forward in the pre-conference is that "libraries must
cultivate an understanding of MARC holdings".  Please share ways in
which you are achieving this at the practical, local level.

3.  What have been your experiences with the integration of the Holdings
Format and serials functions/situations (expected issues, claiming,
OPAC, union lists, etc.)?
        A.  What Holdings application was the biggest challenge to
implement, and why?
        B.  What were the positive aspects of integration experiences?
        C.  Specific functions/uses:
                1.  How many of you have moved away from the textual
866s and have gone on to the 853/863 more highly structured mode?  How
much tweaking/massaging do they have to do to maintain it?  Do they get
useful public displays from these fields?
                2.  How many places are making use of shared captions
and patterns, and it what ways?

4.  What future developments are envisioned for the integration of the
Holdings Format and the ILS and how can we, i.e., librarians and
vendors, vendors and vendors, help each other with these future