ALA-Committee to Study Serials Cataloging, Monday, June 18, 2001 -- Sally Tseng Stephen D. Clark 29 May 2001 13:14 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ALA-Committee to Study Serials Cataloging, Monday, June 18,
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 10:33:12 -0700
From: Sally Tseng <>

Dear Colleagues:

You are cordially invited to attend the ALCTS SS Committee to Study
Serials Cataloging (CSSC) Meeting at 2001 ALA in San Francisco.

Location:    Cathedral Hill Hotel, International Room
Date and Time: Monday, June 18, 2001, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Come and join eight (8) distinguished librarians for a panel discussion
on the latest updates on AACR and seriality, ISBD(CR) and critical
issues on cataloging.  In addition to reports from the Library of
Congress, CONSER, ISSN and NSDP, they will also share their experiences
and strategies on the cataloging of electronic journals.
Decision-making, single or separate record approaches, methodology, and
the overall experience will be addressed.

Speakers include:

Jean Hirons, Library of Congress:  With the forthcoming revision of the
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules to accommodate various aspects of
seriality, Jean will provide an update on AACR and Seriality, MARBI
proposals and issues related to cooperative cataloging which are the
next steps in the process.

Mary Grenci, University of Oregon, will provide highlights on the new
draft "International Standard Bibliographic Description for Serials and
Other Continuing Resources (ISBD(CR))".

The following panelists will discuss “Electronic Journals; How We Get
Them, How We Catalog Them, What We Do With Them After That,” a special
presentation by members of the Committee to Study Serials Cataloging.

Moderator:  Everett Allgood, New York University, will introduce "How We
Decided on This Topic, His E-mail Query to Serialst and the Responses"
and he will also speak on "How We Are Handling Electronic Journals at

David C. Van Hoy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will speak
on “Serial Records for the E-journals within 'Books 24X7.’”

John Radencich, Florida International University, will speak on “Having
to do More with More: FIU’s Experience with E-Journals.”

Rebecca S. Uhl, Arizona State University, will speak on “E-journals at

Jina C. Wakimoto, California State University-Northridge, will speak on
"Loading Ebsco's MARC Record Set into OPAC: CSUN Approach."

Finally, E. Renette Davis, University of Chicago, will speak on "How
They Handle E-journals at Her Library.

I look forward to the pleasure of seeing you in San Francisco!

Sally C. Tseng, CSSC Chair
Head, Serials Cataloging                 Telephone:  949-824-6832
Science Library #331                     Fax:        949-824-2059
University of California, Irvine         FAX (H):    949-857-1988
P.O. Box 19557                            email:
Irvine, CA 92623