Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 08:19:30 -0500
From: "Skwor, Jeanette" <skworj@UWGB.EDU>
Subject: Re: Centrobe / Neodata of Boulder,
CO: A Plea for Responses (Ste phen Perisho)
> 1. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate the service provided
> by Centrobe /
> Neodata _3__ (10 being
> "Superb", and 1 being "This company gives me headache
> after headache after headache, year after year after year").
> 2. (If any,) The difficulties this company creates for me
> have to do with
> ___ renewals (as, for example, cashing checks but not
> actually processing renewals for weeks or even
> months on end, with the result that, in the case of one title or
> another, I am left at the beginning of the year without issue
> after issue).
> ___ claims
> _x__ both of the above (as in "Claims necessitated by
> the failure to process").
> _x__ other (As in, leaving "Cofrin Library, Serials Dept"
off the address label, leaving just the University
name, and having the periodicals delivered to
Heaven-only-knows who, or having professors bring
the offending issues into my office, ranting at
me as to *why* we don't include *Library* as part
of our address, or, as has happened with more
titles than I am happy about, actually assigning
our subscriptions to other people on campus and
then assuring those people, when they call to say
this is not right, this is not my subs, that oh yes it
is it is a gift, all the while telling *me*, OTOH,
that they have no record of my subs.
> 3. I _x__ do / _x__ do not bind the titles in question. (Some of each).
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 16:25:01 -0700
From: Carol Morse <MorsCa@WWC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Centrobe / Neodata of Boulder,
CO: A Plea for Responses (Stephen Perisho)
Neodata has always given us tremendous problems.
Carol Morse
Carol Morse Tel. 509)
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate the service provided by Centrobe /
Neodata __2_ (10 being
"Superb", and 1 being "This company gives me headache after
headache after headache, year after year after year").
2. (If any,) The difficulties this company creates for me have to do with
_x__ renewals (as, for example, cashing checks but not actually
processing renewals for weeks or even months on end, with the result that,
in the case of one title or another, I am left at the beginning of the
year without issue after issue).
__x_ claims
__x_ both of the above (as in "Claims necessitated by the failure
to process").
_x__ other Losing any record of our subscription out of their
3. I ___ do / ___ do not bind the titles in question. Most of them.