Re: Centrobe / Neodata of Boulder, CO (Marilee Rouillard) Marcia Tuttle 12 Apr 2001 12:53 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 08:50:18 -0400
From: "Rouillard, Marilee" <mrouilla@KEENE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Centrobe / Neodata of Boulder,

Yes, I appreciate their service.  You need to call your field rep and
explain what you don't like.  Our contract avoids the problems you mentioned
and gives us the stability we need.   That will not solve the Neodata
problem, however.  If you are quick to claim those titles you may get them.
It helps to have alternatives for their titles (know who has a home
subscription, use EBSCO's copy bank, watch the Duplicate Exchange lists,
know if it is on a full text database, have a fiche/film archive or use
Document Delivery)

Marilee H. Rouillard, Periodicals Supervisor
Mason Library, Keene State College
229 Main St.
Keene, NH  03435-3201    (603)358-2756

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 10:56:21 -0500
From: Linda Fairbanks <lfairban@TRITON.CC.IL.US>
Subject: Re: Centrobe / Neodata of Boulder,
                  CO:  A Plea for Responses (Stephen Perisho)

Hi Stephen
Your message really strikes home. Last Friday I spent time writing a
similar rant about EBSCOhost, who handles our periodical subscriptions. We
have had a terrible time with publishers sending us two or even three
subsriptions where we only (should!) have one and it has taken EBSCO way
too long to stop it. We also get price increases passed on to us
constantly. Admitedly, I'm new to managing serials, but I would have
thought that having paid for a year's subscription, I'd get a year at that
price. Do all subscription services simply agree to and then send on,
publishers random price increases? I'm not sure which made me angrier, the
invoice for a $6 price rise  or the one for a couple thousand. I wish I
could tell you I was happy with my service, but I'm not. Does anybody out
there LIKE their subscription service?
Linda C. Fairbanks
Director of Technical Services
Triton College Library, R-214B
2000 Fifth Avenue
River Grove, IL 60171
Office: (708) 456-0300 x3424
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