Need help with citation from Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy (Jane Burke) Marcia Tuttle 19 Apr 2001 19:50 UTC

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Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:36:53 -0400
From: "Burke, Jane" <jane_burke@GROTON.PFIZER.COM>
Subject: need help with citation from Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy

I have a copy of an article from this journal ("Clinical Study of
Azithromycin" by Y. Sawae and H. Misumi, Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy,
v.43, supp 6, pp.415-419, 1995).  Ulrich's lists this as having articles in
Japanese and English.   The article that was sent to us is in Japanese, but
the tables and citations are in English.  There appears to only be an
abstract in English (at the end of the article).  I've been asked if the
entire article is available in English.  I think not but wonder if someone
who subscribes could confirm that for me, please.  Thanks.


Jane D. Burke
Serials Librarian
Pfizer Inc
PGRD Library
MS 8118-05
Eastern Point Road
Groton  CT  06340

(860) 441-0683  (voice)
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