Re: Rosie and the missing ISSN... (Steve Shadle) Marcia Tuttle 03 Apr 2001 18:13 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 07:51:57 -0700
From: Steve Shadle <shadle@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject: Re: Rosie and the missing ISSN... (Buddy Pennington)

Buddy -- I would assume Ms. O'Donnell has not yet applied for a new ISSN.
If you would like to help the process along, you could fax the cover and
masthead to the National Serials Data Program (U.S. ISSN Center) at (202)
707-6333 with a note that the title has changed from McCall's and the OCLC
record number for the new title is #46604252.  We haven't yet received our
copy for me to be able to supply a surrogate to NSDP.  --Steve

    Steve Shadle   *******
    Serials Cataloger                                *****
    University of Washington Libraries, Box 352900    ***
    Seattle, WA 98195               (206) 685-3983     *