Outsourcing recommendations (Mary Laskow) Marcia Tuttle 02 Apr 2001 13:38 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 12:41:14 EST
From: Mary Laskow <DALaskow@AOL.COM>
Subject: Outsourcing recommendations

We are considering outsourcing several different functions in our library,
including document delivery, serials management, and/or acquisitions. The
scenario would be in-house management of these functions on a multi-site

We've identified the obvious outsourcing companies - AIC and LSSI. Is anyone
using any other company to provide any of these services?

Also, if you would like to share your experiences with evaluating/utilizing
outsourcing as a solution for your library, I would greatly appreciate
learning from your expertise.

If you could reply to me directly, I would be happy to summarize for the

Thank you in advance,

Mary Laskow
Sr. Information Scientist
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Princeton, NJ

