GMD discussion at SF ALA, June 16 Richard Sapon-White 19 Mar 2001 14:34 UTC

Please forgive cross-postings.

We are very pleased to announce that Jean Weihs, recipient of the OLAC
(Online Audiovisual Catalogers) research grant for "General material
designations (GMDs) for the twenty-first century" will share her preliminary
findings at the San Francisco ALA conference, ALCTS-CCS-Research Discussion
group meeting.  The attendees will have the opportunity to voice their
opinion and possibly contribute to Jean's final report.

Time of the meeting: Saturday June 16th 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Place of the meeting will be announced at a later date.

If you have not responded to the questionnaire for the GMD survey, we urge
you to do so as soon as possible.

You will find the survey at:

The CCS Research Discussion Group would like to thank epixtech (formerly
Ameritech) for the generous donation to support Jean's San Francisco ALA
attendance and also to thank Dr. Maurice J. (Mitch) Freedman, director of
Westchester Library System and former cataloging professor, for soliciting
the funds on behalf of the Discussion group.

Hope to see you at ALA.


Heeja Chung
Head, Cataloging & ILL Services
Westchester Library System
Ardsley, NY 10502
914-674-3610 (phone)


Richard E. Sapon-White
Catalog Librarian
121 The Valley Library
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-4501
541-737-7319 (phone)