Re: E-journal holdings on a web listing Beth Jedlicka 13 Mar 2001 19:15 UTC

This is an attempt to address Naomi's related question, though it
may wander just a little. We have a separate databse for e-journals
here at the University of Georgia. It contains summary coverage

This list--we call it the EJL or Electronic Journal Locator--is in
addition to access to the electronic version from the OPAC. (or I
guess I should say access from the OPAC is in addition to the
EJL) Our bib records contain the URL of the EJL. This means a
couple more clicks for the user, but less chance of not being able
to access the journal due to an outdated link or some such.

We're working with the list currently to add/update our existing
URLs in the catalog. The EJL is completely overhauled every few
months--new titles added, coverage changes reflected, etc. If a title
is dropped from a particular aggregator, for example, that change
will be reflected in the list and we won't have to change the URL in
the bib record. The only time we will have to, of course, is if a title
is dropped completely from all the aggregators to which UGA

 Beth Jedlicka <bethj@LIBRIS.LIBS.UGA.EDU>
 University of Georgia Libraries

Date sent:              Mon, 12 Mar 2001 19:16:00 -0500
From:                   Naomi Lloyd <lloyd@TECHBC.CA>
Subject:                Re: E-journal holdings on a web listing
To:                     SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU

> A question that is related to these  is: If you are not generating these
> lists from a report feature in your online system, has there been any
> consideration of building a separate database for ejournals?  I think that
> this is what has been by the University of Toronto, amongst others:
> What are the pros and cons of developing this type of database either in
> addition to the MARC records maintained in the online system or instead of
> them?
> Naomi Lloyd
> _____________________________
> Technical Services Librarian
> The Portal
> Technical University of British Columbia
> 2620 Surrey Place Mall
> King George Highway
> Surrey, BC V3T 2W1
> Ph: (604) 586-6018
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kay Teel [mailto:kteel@SULMAIL.STANFORD.EDU]
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:24 AM
> Subject: E-journal holdings on a web listing
> Hi,
> I've been asked to compare and contrast different
> libraries' web listings of their electronic resources,
> particularly e-journals.
> In my searching, I've found that some libraries include
> summary holdings statements for e-journals as part of the
> web listing display, and some (like my library) don't. For
> an example that includes holdings, see for instance
> Princeton University Library's list of e-journals at:
> (I didn't single out Princeton for any specific reason--
> they were just the first name on my list!)
> I have some questions:
> * Who decided on which data elements to display in your
> e-journal web listing?
> * If you decided *not* to include holdings as part of this
> display, what were your reasons?
> * If you decided to include holdings as part of this
> display, how are you creating and maintaining this
> information? Is it automatically generated from your OPAC
> (please specify which ILS)? Is it vendor-supplied (please
> list specific vendors if so)? Did you write in-house
> scripts to cull this information from the OPAC, vendor
> data, in-house files (e.g., Access databases)? Did you type
> it in by hand??
> We are reevaluating our e-journal list display, so I would
> love to hear what other libraries' experiences have been in
> this process, particularly other large academic libraries.
> I searched the SERIALST archive and found some useful
> related information, but nothing that was as specific as I
> need.
> Thank you in advance.
> ----------------------
> Kay Teel
> Serials Catalog Librarian
> Stanford University Libraries