Re: Survey on e-journal management Emily McElroy 12 Mar 2001 19:50 UTC

I emailed Linda back with some specific answers.

I left the questions a little vague on purpose.  I know that there are
many definitions of aggregators, gateways and bundled packages out there.
Depending on the situation, my own definition could change.  One way of
approaching the survey could be to look at an aggregator as anything that
is not available directly from the publisher and is received through a
third party.  Databases, Highwire Press, EBSCO Online and so on could all
be included in this type of definition.

Hope this helps to clarify some of intended vagueness.


Emily McElroy
Serials & Electronic Collections Librarian
Loyola Health Sciences Library
2160 S. First Ave.
Maywood, IL 60153