I received as many requests for the information that I received as I did
suggestions, so I thought it might be helpful to summarize to the two
lists I posted to. Thanks to all who offered input.
***Cofrin Library has such a manual, which I pretty much developed. I
have two sections, "Serials Dept. Procedures" and "Student Procedures".
The first table of contents lists:
Checking in - serials, periodicals, telephone books
Donations (adding to collection)
Electronic Access
Fiscal Year Turnover
Gift Periodical tiles - adding new, claiming
Index & Abstract titles regularly bound
Limited retention journal titles
Mending Periodicals
OCLC instructions for LDRs
Ordering - microfilm &/or electronic products, new standing orders,
new subscriptions
Remote storage
Renewal notices
Routing periodicals
Serialst - Serialst Scope, purpose, interactive commands
Special Projects
Student assistants - hiring student assistants
Student Job Description form
Title changes
Withdrawals - Issues, Titles
The Student Procedures portion is pretty nitty-gritty-ish, and covers:
Claims - searching, sending out
Mail, sorting
Newspapers - pulling, routing; list
Database general procedures
Renewals, searching
Search requests
Withdrawals - annual list
It is on a Word document, and I could ship you the whole thing if you
want; it's a little out of date at the moment (we've moved to Voyager from
Notis, for example) but may be helpful.
I do keep, and use, written procedures regularly for my students. Hope
this helps!
Jeanette L. Skwor
Serials Dept. - Cofrin Library
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311
Phone: (920) 465-2670 Fax: (920) 465-2783
I'm not sure how much help this will be but most of our serial
procedures (not all) are on the web at
These do apply specifically to Voyager, but will give you some general
If I can be of any help in understanding anything, please let me know.
Mary E. Bailey
Serials Manager
509 Hale
Kansas State University
I am new to serials also...although we do not have a written policy, I
can recommend a book which has been helping me. It is Management of
Serials in Libraries written by Thomas E. Nisonger and published by
Libraries Unlimited Inc. It is a 1998 version, very basic, and deals
with electronic sources, as well as other issues. We ordered it for our
library--I believe Borders, Amazon, and other book stores carry it or
can get it for you too. Good luck!
Donna Hudgins
Serials Management
Mary Washington College
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
You can see our written procedures on our web page:
Stefanie Wittenbach
Head of Acquisitions
University Library
University of California, Riverside
P.O. Box 5900
Riverside, CA 92517-5900
909/787-2805 909/787-3720 fax
Thanks to everyone,
M. Lou Nesson M.L.I.S.
Assistant Librarian
Massasoit Community College
One Massasoit Blvd.
Brockton, MA 02302
508-588-9100 X 1932