Position Announcement, Pittsburgh PA (Deb Silverman) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 20 Feb 2001 14:59 UTC

Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:20:51 -0500
From: Deb Silverman <debs+@PITT.EDU>
Subject: Position Opening - Pittsburgh PA

Serials and Electronic Resources Librarian
Health Sciences Library System
University of Pittsburgh

The Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) at the University of
Pittsburgh invites applications for the position of Serials and
Electronic Resources Librarian. Primary responsibilities: management of
the print and electronic journal collections; coordination of technical
and bibliographic processes related to access, selection, acquisition,
and maintenance of serials and databases performed in all areas of HSLS;
managing new and ongoing agreements for access to electronic resources
for a complex user community.  Management is functional, as
serials-related work is performed in the acquisitions, cataloging and
circulation areas of Falk Library of the Health Sciences, as well as in
the WPIC library and the UPMC Shadyside libraries.

REQUIRED:  ALA accredited MLS or equivalent.  Experience in serials
management in a health sciences library or academic library with a
strong biosciences component.  Experience or strong interest in
acquisition of electronic resources. Eagerness to experiment with and
implement new technologies for management of and access to serials and
electronic materials. Demonstrated analytical and problem-solving
skills.  Ability to work independently and collaboratively with all
levels of staff, and to plan and implement programs and prioritize
projects.  DESIRABLE: knowledge of serials cataloging; experience
working with a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC, and an integrated
library system, preferably Voyager; experience with relational databases
and SQL; web-authoring skills.

The Health Sciences Library System consists of the Falk Library of the
Health Sciences, the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Library,
and the Libraries at UPMC Shadyside (James Frazer Hillman Health
Sciences Library and the Hopwood Library : A Health Resource for
Patients and Families).  HSLS serves the six Schools of the Health
Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh (Medicine, Dental Medicine,
Pharmacy, Nursing, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, and Public
Health) and the hospitals and other units of the UPMC Health System with
collections in excess of 400,000 volumes, 2200 print subscriptions, and
staff of 23 professionals and 31 paraprofessionals.  For more
information on HSLS, see http://www.hsls.pitt.edu.

Salary commensurate with experience, minimum $32,000.  Position is a
full-time, non-tenured faculty librarian.  Proposed starting date:
After July 1, 2001.  Please send a letter of application, resume, and
names of three references to Deborah Lordi Silverman, Assistant Director
for Resource Management, Health Sciences Library System, Falk Library of
the Health Sciences, 200 Scaife Hall, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261.  Applications accepted until position is
filled; preference is given to applications received before March 31,
2001.  The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action, Equal
Opportunity Employer.


Deborah Lordi Silverman
Assistant Director for Resource Management
Health Sciences Library System
University of Pittsburgh