Re: Recreation journals -- Kelli La Vecchia
Stephen D. Clark 16 Feb 2001 19:45 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Recreation journals -- Werner Lind
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 14:29:15 -0500
From: Kelli La Vecchia <klavecchia@JWU.EDU>
Our University has a Hospitality progam, and the titles our Library
subscribes to relating to Leisure & Recreation are listed; an * next to
title denotes peer-reviewed publication. To the best of my knowledge,
of the following are current titles. Hope this information contributes
your particular college's needs!
Aquatics International
Athletics Administration
Athletic Business
Camping Magazine
Coach and Athletic Director
JOPERD: The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance *
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity *
Journal of Leisure Research *
Journal of Park Recreation Administration *
Journal of Sport Management *
The Journal of Tourism Studies *
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing *
Journal of Travel Research *
Leisure Recreation and Tourism
Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal *
Leisure Studies: The Journal of the Leisure Studies Association *
Marquette Sports Law Review *
National Parks
Parks and Recreation
Recreation Resources
Ski Area Management
Special Events Magazine
Sport Marketing Quarterly *
Street & Smith's Sports Business Journal
Therapeutic Recreation Journal *
Visions in Leisure and Business
Kelli La Vecchia
Serials Coordinator
Johnson & Wales University
111 Dorrance Street
Providence, RI 02903
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Recreation journals
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:19:15 -0500
From: Werner Lind <wlind@MAIL.BLUEFIELD.EDU>
Our college's Health, Physical Education and Recreation Division is
expanding its course offerings in the area of Recreation Management
(i.e., parks, recreation areas, organized recreation, etc.), and wants
the library to add one or two serious journal titles in that area.
I'm not very familiar with the serial literature of that field, and the
current issue of Katz and Katz's Magazines for Libraries is no help.
Can any of you whose libraries support a program in this area recommend
any journal titles based on your own experience? Thanks for your input!
Werner A. Lind
Reference Librarian
Bluefield College
3000 College Dr.
Bluefield, VA 24605