-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Paper + online access -- David Goodman
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:01:00 -0500
From: Helen Aiello <haiello@mail.wesleyan.edu>
Dear Barbara,
I thought I would throw in my 2 cents since I am writing from a
school where I am essentially the only person making the access
to e-journals. I have to echo David Goodman's sentiments that there
no good and easy way. While I deal with a wide variety of publishers
third party content providers (such as Catchword or ingenta or ECO), the
best thing I found, so far, is to use our major domestic vendor's
service (Wesleyan uses EBSCO). Even in this case, however, there are
drawbacks as our users get spoiled by the immediacy of one click access
versus having to click though several screens as they wend their way
through our vendor's gateway.
However, for those publishers who do not allow access through our
gateway (I am taking no issue, merely stating a fact) there is no
but to call these 'strays', mail them or call your vendor and one of
ploys may get you that registration number. In fact, when I have managed
make a connection to a person, they have always been very gracious in
getting the info to me and this applies to a majority of the customer
service assistants out there, regardless of the publishing house or
I guess what is amazing to me is that the electronic serials world is
recreating the wheel. This helps humble me as I imagine my serial
predecessors, of many years ago - before we had the assistance of
subscription vendors- having to deal with an assortment of publishers
having to manage the requirements of a wide and diverse variety of
publishing houses: not unlike what is happening today! At least we can
grateful we have the technological advances of being able to e-mail
telephone publishers with some measure of ease, and commiserate with
other (I mean here you are in New Zealand and here I am in the USA) in
trying to find solutions- or at least know that there is no perfect
solution we are missing.
Hey, we now can put all that management software, like Excel or Access,
that our ITS depts. bought for us, to good use by creating spreadsheets
and databases to keep all this info organized!
What interesting times we live in!
At 09:46 AM 2/16/01 -0500, you wrote:
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Re: Paper + online access -- Barbara Rauch
>Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 17:09:18 -0400
>From: David Goodman <dgoodman@princeton.edu>
>Reply-To: dgoodman@princeton.edu
>Organization: Princeton University Biology Library
>There is no good way at all,
>at least none that we have found. Your note summarizes the problems very
>Others have reported success with special service arrangments from
>various agents,
>who claim to be able to manage the complexities involved.
> >
> > -------- Original Message --------
> > Subject: Paper + online access
> > Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 10:24:01 +1300
> > From: Barbara Rauch <barbara.rauch@AUT.AC.NZ>
> >
> > Does anyone have a simple, quick and straightforward process for
> > setting up access to the free web version which some publishers are
> > offering with their paper titles.
> >
> > For example it's easy enough to register with a gateway like
> > Catchword but not so easy to activate titles online which you have
> > purchased through a sub.agent.
> >
> > If you consolidate your serials through an agent, you don't get to
> > see the mailing label with your sub. no. on it.
> >
> > Do you leave your serial agent to deal with it? In my experience that
> > is not a quick method.
> > Does your serial agent know your sub. no. without having to contact
> > the publisher? Again not the quickest method.
> > Do you perhaps set up both the paper and the online versions directly
> > with the publisher and treat these as 'different' to the norm - costly
> > !.
> >
> > I'd appreciate some comments from the list.
> > Thanks
> >
> > Barbara
> >
> > Barbara Rauch
> > Acquisitions Librarian
> > Auckland University of Technology
> > Private Bag 92006
> > Auckland 1020, New Zealand
> >
> > Ph: (09) 917 9999 ex 8874
> > Fx: (09) 917 9977
> > barbara.rauch@aut.ac.nz
>David Goodman
>Biology Librarian
>and Co-chair, Electronic Journals Task force
>Princeton University Library
>Princeton, NJ 08544-0001
>phone: 609-258-3235
>fax: 609-258-2627
>e-mail: dgoodman@princeton.edu
Helen M. Aiello, Serials Librarian
Wesleyan University Library
Periodical Dept., P.O. Box 2799
Middletown, CT 06459-9299.
Voice: (860) 685-3828
e-mail: HAIELLO@Wesleyan.edu
Fax: (860) 685-2661