Paper + online access -- Barbara Rauch Stephen D. Clark 15 Feb 2001 21:45 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Paper + online access
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 10:24:01 +1300
From: Barbara Rauch <barbara.rauch@AUT.AC.NZ>

Does anyone have a simple, quick and straightforward process for
setting up access to the free web version which some publishers are
offering with their paper titles.

For example it's easy enough to register with a gateway like
Catchword but not so easy to activate titles online which you have
purchased through a sub.agent.

If you consolidate your serials through an agent, you don't get to
see the mailing label with your sub. no. on it.

Do you leave your serial agent to deal with it? In my experience that
is not a quick method.
Does your serial agent know your sub. no. without having to contact
the publisher? Again not the quickest method.
Do you perhaps set up both the paper and the online versions directly
with the publisher and treat these as 'different' to the norm - costly

I'd appreciate some comments from the list.


Barbara Rauch
Acquisitions Librarian
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1020, New Zealand

Ph: (09) 917 9999 ex 8874
Fx: (09) 917 9977