Re: Taylor & Francis plc acquires Gordon and Breach PublishingGroup -- David Goodman Stephen D. Clark 14 Feb 2001 21:14 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Taylor & Francis plc acquires Gordon and Breach
PublishingGroup -- Beverly Acreman
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 12:40:14 -0500
From: David Goodman <>
Reply-To: "SEREDIT:  SERIALST Editors" <>

I hope this means that existing lawsuits and appeals will be
Since G&B has in the past published some very valuable material, this
might be one merger that may be of clear benefit to all.

David Goodman, Princeton University Biology Library            609-258-3235

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Stephen D. Clark wrote:

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Taylor & Francis plc acquires Gordon and Breach Publishing
> Group
> Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 16:34:56 +0000
> From: Beverley Acreman <beverley.acreman@TANDF.CO.UK>
> Dear Sir/Madam
> *Apologies for cross posting*
> Taylor & Francis Group plc acquires Gordon and Breach Publishing Group
> Taylor & Francis Group plc are pleased to announce the acquisition of
> all
> of the publishing activities of the Gordon and Breach Publishing Group
> (including Harwood Academic but excluding art book and magazine
> publishing).
> Gordon and Breach publish over 250 journals and approximately 100 books
> each year.
> Taylor & Francis, academic journal and book publishers for more than 200
> years, will apply their experience to the Gordon and Breach journal
> publishing programme to ensure that the excellent academic content is
> made
> available to the academic community in a more predictable and manageable
> manner.
> Historically, Gordon and Breach have employed a system which has enabled
> them to publish academic research papers as they are received, but the
> variable flow of papers in any given year has lead to a lack of
> uncertainty
> of cost for the subscriber.  In addition, volume start dates have not
> necessarily been linked to calendar years.
> It is Taylor & Francis' intention to review the entire publishing
> programme
> in order to:
> o       Establish the number of pages, issues and volumes in a given
> year
> o       Publish volumes on a calendar year basis
> o       Establish a fixed annual subscription price so that there is no
> need for
> supplementary billing
> o       Consider the current and future pricing strategy
> o       Establish online availability of all possible titles
> These proposed changes are designed to alleviate any of the problems
> that
> the library community, in particular, may have experienced, and to
> enhance
> the overall quality of service to subscribers.  It is hoped to implement
> these strategies as early as possible beginning in 2002.
> Commenting on the acquisition, Anthony Selvey, Chief Executive of the
> Taylor & Francis Group, said:
> "Since its flotation in May 1998, Taylor & Francis has acquired five
> publishing groups adding over 650 journals and enlarging our book lists
> by
> more than 10,000 titles. All of these acquisitions have been earnings
> enhancing in the first full year, demonstrating our ability to identify,
> acquire and integrate complementary businesses.
> "The acquisition of such a complementary portfolio of journals and books
> further strengthens our position in many of our core subject areas and
> extends the base from which we can continue to build the Group
> organically.
>  The purchase of G&B is consistent with our strategy of expanding our
> scientific, academic and professional book and journal publishing
> through
> acquisition as well as organic growth."
> For further information contact:
> Keith Courtney,
> Sales Director, Taylor & Francis Ltd
> Telephone +44 (0) 20 7842 2073
> Facsimile +44 (0) 20 7842 2261
> e-mail
> Date  14th February 2001
> Beverley Acreman
> Marketing Director
> Taylor & Francis Ltd
> +44 (0) 171 842 2349
> +44 (0) 171 842 2391 (Fax)
> Visit to sign up to our free table of
> contents
> alerting service