Civilization 1077-9795 (Carol Morse) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 28 Feb 2001 22:08 UTC

Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:42:33 -0800
From: Carol Morse <MorsCa@WWC.EDU>
Subject: Civilization 1077-9795

We got word from EBSCO that this title is suspended since Oct./Nov.00.  =
Does anyone know anything about this?  It's a shame--it was such a good =
Carol Morse

Carol Morse
                                               Tel. 509) 527-2684
Serials Librarian                               Fax  509) 527-2001

Walla Walla College Library                     Email
104 S.W. Adams St.
College Place, WA  99324-1195

Give us strength for the journey and wisdom to know the way.