Re: Periodicals Usage Survey Martha Coleman 17 Jan 2001 22:22 UTC

Hi Wendy,

We use the Innovative Interfaces system which allows inhouse
circulation counting; perhaps all systems do.  We do not barcode each
individual issue.  We created a Rolodex file with one barcode per title
to scan for any unbound issue for that title.  The barcode volume
information reads Unbound Issue Inhouse Count. We have a separate
rolodex for microforms.  If students pick up 3 Time magazines to
reshelve, we scan the Time barcode 3 times.  Of course, we wouldn't
cancel Time magazine, but 2 or 3 years down the road we might have to
take a closer look at journals that apparently have never come off the
shelf.  This works OK for us because we have less than 800 titles.  I
first thought about using the old checkin Kardex to keep up with the
barcodes, but it's much larger and work space is tight for our library.
 Hope this helps.

Martha Coleman
Westark College
Fort Smith, AR 72913

Wendy Isom wrote:

>I am about to undertake my first periodicals usage survey. I would like
>suggestions on formats, surveys, references, etc. If anyone can help,
>that would be great.
>Also, thank you to everyone who helped me out with newspaper vendor
>suggestions. This list is a lifesaver!
>Wendy Isom
>Senior Reference Assistant - Periodicals
>Arlington Public Library