Re: Charging for Binding -- Mary Bailey Mary Bailey 10 Jan 2001 16:49 UTC


Other than some help the first time, we do not do any of the preparation
for departmental binding.  Our departments also set up a separate account
with the bindery and are billed independently from the library.  They
deliver their materials to us to be shipped out and we return them thru
the campus mail system, but all invoices are sent to the department

Thesis and dissertations for the departments are bound through the
library, but the cost is built in to what the student is charged up-front
for binding all the library and department copies.

This has worked very well for us.

Mary E. Bailey
Serials Manager
509 Hale
Kansas State University

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Charging for Binding
> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 14:01:50 -0600
> From: Germaine Linkins <>
> Do any of you charge academic departments for binding materials from
> their departmental collections?  I'm referring to charging for your time
> and labor in preparing the materials to be sent to your commercial
> vendor, not the actual cost of binding that the vendor charges.
> Germaine C. Linkins
> Head, Serials Department
> Golda Meir Library
> University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
> P. O. Box 604
> Milwaukee, WI 53201
> voice: (414) 229-6726
> fax:     (414) 229-6791
> email: