ALCTS/SS Discussion group on Journal pricing at Midwinter
Steve Corrsin 09 Jan 2001 17:02 UTC
The ALCTS Serials Section Discussion Group on Journal Pricing in Libraries
(better known as the ALCTS/SS/DG/JPL) invites you to attend its meeting at
Midwinter. Our timely topic will be "The (Un)Logic of Ejournal Pricing
Packages: Free Electronic Information... At a Cost." Our speakers are
Marilyn Geller, Information Management consultant, and Matthew J. Price,
Manager, Product Marketing, American Chemical Society, Publications
The original concept behind this topic emerged from a request by my
Library's administration to find out "exactly how much we pay" for
electronic resources -- not just individual e-journals, data bases, etc.,
but also for the electronic portion of those "online allegedly free with
print" packages.
Solutions to this knotty puzzle may also be announced from the floor.
Please join us! Renaissance Mayflower, Cabinet Room, Sat Jan 13, 2-4 PM.
Steve Corrsin
Stephen D. Corrsin
Assistant Director of Technical Services and Head of Acquisitions
Wayne State University Libraries, Technical Services and Systems
7th Floor Science and Engineering Library
5048 Gullen Mall
Detroit MI 48202
tel (313) 577-4005
fax (313) 577-3615