We use EBSCO for our newspapers and the only consistently late arrival is
the local paper. Wall Street Journal, Chronicle of Higher Ed, Christian
Science Monitor, etc. are received the day of the edition. If we
experience late delivery at all, it is due to our mail delivery on
campus/campus closings.
Patricia M. Breno
Owens Community College
--------- Original message ---------
3 messages:
Subject: Re: Newspaper Vendors -- Wendy Isom
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 12:47:20 -0600
From: Peter Picerno <ppicerno@mail.astate.edu>
Most journal vendors also provide newspaper subscriptions, so if your
library uses a subscription agent for journals, they would probably be
able to step in to fill this void. You can find lists of vendors on
P Picerno
Subject: Re: Newspaper Vendors -- 2 messages
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 14:08:39 -0600
From: David Jordan <d-jordan@epl.org>
I wouldn't reccommend EBSCO for out-of-town papers unless you can tolerate
late delivery. We are currently receiving all of our papers through EBSCO
and some titles, LA Times for example, take two weeks to arrive. Missing
issues is also a constant problem with mail delivery.
David W. Jordan
Periodicals Supervisor
Evanston Public Library
1703 Orrington Avenue
Evanston IL 60201
tel: 847-866-0307
fax: 847-866-0319
Subject: Re: Newspaper Vendors -- Wendy Isom
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 14:11:05 -0600
From: Karla Bennett <kbennett@WICHITA.LIB.KS.US>
We subscribe to our out-of-town newspapers through EBSCO along with our
Karla C Bennett
Wichita Public Library
phone:316-261-8582 (X3282)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Newspaper Vendors
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 12:56:55 -0000
From: Wendy Isom <wisom@PUB-LIB.CI.ARLINGTON.TX.US>
Good afternoon.
I am a new subscriber to this list. I am in a bit of a panic, and was
wondering if anyone could help. We were informed today that the provider
of the majority of our out-of-town newspapers, Austin News Service, will
no longer exist after Jan 15. Could anyone recommend another service, or
warn me of services to avoid? Any information would be great. Thanks!
Patricia Breno
Serials Librarian
Owens Community College Library
P.O. Box 10,000
Toledo, OH 43699-1947
(419) 661-7020 voice