Re: Charging for Binding -- John Lucas
John Lucas 08 Jan 2001 17:05 UTC
We provide only a space (and a little help) in Technical Services for
Departments that want to have some of their items bound.
The Depts. use another bindery than the one we use. The Depts. contact
this binder directly to establish an account. We provide the space,
copies of their bindery sheets and we have buckram swaths for their color
numbers. The Depts. fill the sheet in and bring the 'banded' volumes and
place them on designated shelves.
When returned, we call the Depts. to come and pick up their items.
Invoices come with the returned vols. and they pay it directly. This way,
we have no accounting paperwork, responsibility for misbound or
non-returned volumes, etc.
John Lucas
Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505
(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX) ( 601) 984-1262
>>> Lucy Duhon <LDuhon@UTNET.UTOLEDO.EDU> 01/08/01 08:53AM >>>
We don't. We only charge the actual cost of the binding back to the
department. (I'm referring to binding theses and dissertations). If a
department wanted to have a huge one-time collection bound, then
charging them for time or labor might be something to consider.
Interesting thought.
Lucy Duhon
Serials Librarian
Carlson Library/Serials Dept.
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 530-2838
(419) 530-2726 [fax] <>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Charging for Binding
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 14:01:50 -0600
From: Germaine Linkins <>
Do any of you charge academic departments for binding materials from
their departmental collections? I'm referring to charging for your time
and labor in preparing the materials to be sent to your commercial
vendor, not the actual cost of binding that the vendor charges.
Germaine C. Linkins
Head, Serials Department
Golda Meir Library
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
P. O. Box 604
Milwaukee, WI 53201
voice: (414) 229-6726
fax: (414) 229-6791