2 messages, 68 lines:
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:00:32 -0800
From: Stefanie Wittenbach <stefw@POP.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Re: CD-ROMs of volumes of journals
We recently reviewed and documented our procedures for handling
CD-ROMs received in books and with journal titles. See our website for
the complete policy:
http://library.ucr.edu/depts/acquisitions/cdromproc.shtml. Stefanie
Stefanie Wittenbach
Head of Acquisitions
University Library
University of California, Riverside
P.O. Box 5900
Riverside, CA 92517-5900
909/787-2805 909/787-3720 fax
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 18:02:35 -0400
From: David Goodman <dgoodman@Princeton.EDU>
Organization: Princeton University Biology Library
Subject: Re: CD-ROMs of volumes of journals
We find them useless as compared to web access. The added features are not
worth the trouble. The added feature of campus-wide accessibility and
consequent user satisfaction is what's worth the cost for web access. We
do keep them, uncataloged, in a box, arranged by title. If we had to use
them we would put them on a CD server, if the license permitted. In the
past, when databases came in this format, we did this. If it was not
networkable, we used Pioneer 6-CD changers, with the disks locked in place
and the changer permanently connected to a stand alone computer. It
worked, slowly, when there was nothing better.
David Goodman
Biology Librarian
and Co-chair, Electronic Journals Task force
Princeton University Library
Princeton, NJ 08544-0001
phone: 609-258-3235
fax: 609-258-2627
e-mail: dgoodman@princeton.edu
Laura Lidano wrote:
> I have recently received a few CD-ROMs that have an entire volume or
> more of a journal title that our library holds. The CD-ROMs offer
> searching, navigating, viewing and printing of pdf formats of full-text
> articles, including full color graphs and images. I'd love to be able to
> use this compact format and give up the shelf space, binding, microfilm,
> etc for the back issues. But I anticipate issues with the CD-ROM format
> such as : where to store cd-rom, where to load cd-rom, should the cd-rom
> be "checked-out" for in-library use such as for a reserve item, back-up
> copy of cd?, etc.
> How are other libraries handling CD-ROMs of journal volumes?
> I will summarize answers received for the list.
> Anne Lynch
> Periodicals Librarian
> Simmons College Libraries
> anne.lynch@simmons.edu